As a parent you type in a channel your kid watches and it tells you how "toxic" it is. As a parent you can decided what level is your threshold.

In [1]:
import sys
import csv

obj = []
name = input("What channel is your kid watching?")
What channel is your kid watching?Logan Paul Vlogs
In [2]:
for row in csv.DictReader(open("All_channel_Sentiment_OG.csv")):
    pp = int(row["Positive_Percentage"])
    channel = row["Channel"]
    if channel == name:
        if pp < 20:
            print("If your child is watching "+ name + ", then your child is beeing influenced by a Youtuber who's ecosystem is more than 80% negative. Talk to your child immediately!")
        elif 39 > pp > 19:
            print("If your child is watching "+ name + ", then your child is being exposed to enviorment that has on average 60% - 80% negativity present. Your child is at risk of being influenced by the wrong crowd.") 
        elif 59 > pp > 39:
            print("If your child is watching "+ name + ", then they are exposed to an average of of 40% - 60% of negativity. This interval is an average amount of negativity/positivity. Your child is exposed to a healthy amount of sentiment.")
        elif 79 > pp > 59:
            print("If your child is watching "+ name + ", then they are exposed to very little amount of negativity. Good work mom and dad!")
        elif pp > 79:
            print("You've done an amazing job parenting your child"+ name +" is an amazing Youtuber and we have reason to believe that your child enjoys very positive videos.")
If your child is watching Logan Paul Vlogs, then your child is being exposed to enviorment that has on average 60% - 80% negativity present. Your child is at risk of being influenced by the wrong crowd.